The Maine Coon is not only the largest breed of domestic cat, but it is also one of the oldest cats in North America, with its origins dating back to 1860. The breed got its name from the New England state of Maine, which is where the breed initially came from.
With its enormous size, that often dwarfs its owner in photos, the breed is a frequent spot of attention within the online community. Male cats weigh anywhere from 21-pounds to 35-pounds, whereas females weigh between 15 to 29-pounds. The breed can also grow to be very long, with the largest cat on record, measuring more than 4 ft long.
The breed also has a great reputation of being very intelligent and friendly, despite its large size. In fact, the Maine Coon is often referred to as a "gentle giant," and they are particularly noted for their superb hunting skills. The feline typically lives greater than 12.5 years and although they have a very laid-back nature, they are known in the cat world as clowns and are quiet but extroverted. Take a look through the gallery below to be impressed by the massive stature of the Maine Coon.